Postby northants1066 » Mon Jul 23, 2018 5:47 pm
I remember Bernard and Gregory East, they are twins and same age as me. We attended St Pauls before The Grove. I believe their elder brother was Roger.
I was rather shocked to see that The Grove has been demolished as it was only built in the 50's.Any developments on what is happening to the site?
The only teacher that I did not like was the Art teacher. I once did a very good poster, well I thought it was, advertising a football match. He rubbished it and tore it up!!!
One thing that I never understood was why so many boys who were clearly clever enough to have gone to the Grammar school did not. The year that we would have taken our 11 Plus (1958) it was suspended for some reason. Whilst I was at the Grove at least three boys were "demoted" from the Grammar but not one Grove boy was "promoted".
As so many of my classmates went on to greater things including one College Lecturer I suppose it just goes to show what a bad idea the 11 Plus was. Although I would dearly have loved to have gone to the Grammar I dont think my Mum could have afforded the uniform and as things turned out I enjoyed my time at The Grove.
I did however miss any end of term celebrations after taking our GCE's as I went into hospital for six weeks the day after the exams finished.
I am not sure this would happen now, but in June 1964 I got a job offer with the Borough Treasurers Office in Wellington Square and when I told them that I would be needing an operation that would keep me sidelined for 4-5 months they just held the job open for me.
Does anyone remember my class: Len Benton, Kevin Clarke, Charlie Cochrane, Frank Cox, Mark Cropper, Barry Davis, Nigel Davies (sadly deceased) Clive Douglas, Phillip Elms,Patrick Galbally, Michael Goodall,Michael Hancock, John Histed (sadly deceased) Colin Hodd, James House,Peter Kemble, Alfie Kurse,Steve Mallion, Brian Mc Sweeney, Brian Martin, ? Mitchell, Kevin McQuillan, Phillip Oak, Richard Overfield, Douglas Palmer, Clive Parish, Nigel Pearson, David Powell, Lionel Pringle, Steve Redford, Alan Spears, Michael Walsgrove, Phillip Warner.