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The EU

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 10:18 pm
by cbe
At the moment the Dutch lower chamber are debating CETA which is the EU's
'free trade' deal with Canada. There are strong indications that they are going
to reject it and if that should happen the deal will fall, as it has to be accepted
unanimously - I see more trouble ahead for the EU

Re: The EU

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2020 8:17 pm
by Richard
The CETA trade agreement has been rumbling along among Dutch and Belgian activists since at least 2016.
Ceta. like the TTIP is old-school trade agreement where the interests of multinational companies are more important than the people who live in those countries.
The member states of the European Union must ratify CETA. Of the 27 Member States, only 13 have done so, the Netherlands not yet.
Yet a country cannot destroy the treaty on its own, the European Commission said last year in response to questions from the European Parliament. If ratification by all EU member states fails, the European Council finally decides, wrote then-Commissioner Malmström. The Council has already approved the treaty.

Re: The EU

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2020 10:24 pm
by cbe
If you don't get the answer you want from a referendum - you make them keep voting. If they disagree with a treaty you bludgeon it through anyway. This Political Construct was always going to fail - losing the UK has sent them spiralling on their way anyway and it will be a delight to watch. The only bad thing is that the people who have been the prime movers will escape unscathed with their brown envelope money safely deposited out of the clutches of the authorities and the financial crash.

Re: The EU

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2020 1:19 pm
by Richard
TTIP = Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership between the EU and America
CETA = Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement between the EU and Canada

'War on Want' oppose CETA which they see as a 'back door' TTIP

The UK ratified CETA on 8 November 2018. The agreement has been provisionally implemented since 21 September 2017, bringing most, but not all, of the agreement into force. ... they will not, therefore, come into force unless CETA is ratified by Member States.
All 28 European Union member states approved the final text of CETA for signature, with Belgium being the final country to give its approval.

Re: The EU

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2020 10:14 pm
by cbe
THIS as of today 15th Feb 2020

Re: The EU

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2020 10:14 pm
by cbe

Re: The EU

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2020 12:38 pm
by Richard
Not sure how all that affects our Brexit negotiations.
Demands made by Brussels ahead of Brexit trade talks are unreasonable and ridiculous, a government source is claiming as the UK prepares to start negotiations. A new Brussels blueprint says the EU will seek to police UK subsidies, impose rules on its tax regime and ask the government to commit to aligning with the EU's standards forever.
Yet, according to the UK government, Brussels has already agreed with countries such as Canada, South Korea and Japan that there should be no such requirements in its trade deals with them.
The apparent deadlock, even before formal talks begin, suggests the trade negotiations during the Brexit transition period will be fraught and acrimonious and could lead to the UK leaving the EU with no deal.
According to the government, while both the EU and the UK are aiming for a tariff and quota free deal, asking for alignment on standards does not make sense when the EU's standards fall below the UK's on workers' rights, environmental protections and health and safety.
The government also points out that the UK has a higher minimum wage than all but three EU member states and six EU countries have no minimum wage at all.

The government says that Brussels is being tougher on the UK over trade than it has been on other countries, yet the new European Commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, told the European Parliament this week that Mr Johnson would have to accept a "level playing field" on rules and standards.

Re: The EU

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2020 6:06 pm
by cbe
Doesn't affect them in the slightest but the thread is The EU. It merely demonstrates that the EU can NEVER accommodate the wishes and indeed needs, of so many disparate nations. Only the plotting of fevered minds of zealots has got it this far, it is over - we just need to be OUT and well away when it finally ends.

Re: The EU

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2020 7:08 pm
by Richard
The EU never intended to accommodate the wishes and needs, of so many disparate nations.
What people do care about is not much of a surprise:
The economy, Jobs, Pensions, Tax, Healthcare, Housing. Immigration.
You will notice that many of these issues are within the lead competence of Member States, not Brussels.

Re: The EU

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2020 10:13 pm
by cbe
Were you able to keep your face straight when typing that??????

The economy - Brussels dictates very tight guidelines on interest rates
Pensions - Private ones depend on the success of investments which depend, very much, on interest rates
Tax - see above and note how the EU now are trying to ensure that the UK commit to EU norms
on rax after this transition period.
Heathcare - FATPOU so far better in the UK anyway so no problem?
Housing - see below
Immigration - ??????? It is because the boss of the EU Frau Merkel has opened the floodgates to immigrants into Germany and is now insisting all member states 'take their share' which demonstrates how little say nation states have. Unless of course you are telling me that Priti (Useless) Patel has not been made aware of the dozens entering over the channel every night.

Being 'within the lead competence of member states' - Richard I was going to say that you seem to be channelling your inner Colin. but Colin. to his credit, leaves this subject alone. I suspect his views coincide with the leader of the labour party,