Still a great little forum

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Still a great little forum

Postby seahermit » Sun Oct 01, 2023 2:27 pm

I haven't been active on the forum for a while - I think Covid upset a lot of people's habits and I have been equally guilty. There seem to be a lot of important issues to worry about (will the last person to leave this unhappy country please turn out the lights?!). Sorry, corny joke.

A number of people I used to know have become reclusive, or disappeared, or shown the impoliteness to die .. Never mind, some of us are still going strong. I have lived in Hastings for twenty odd years and there are still lots of good and creative things going on here - if you look carefully. Anything you want to know about or moan about, just post it.

I use regular social media to some extent - much of it I find pretty ghastly, over-the-top, exhibitionist, riddled with fake stuff and nonsense. I find the straightforward little 1066 forum much more enjoyable and cerebral.

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Derek Jempson
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Re: Still a great little forum

Postby Derek Jempson » Sun Oct 08, 2023 7:10 am

Good to hear from you again, Seahermit. This was once a lively forum and could be again. It just needs a few people to keep the pot boiling. I'm not sure about Covid being a factor in the decline of the forum unless there were those who thought that they might become infected through using it, and Covid highlighted the power of human stupidity like nothing else - I recently spotted someone driving their car solo and wearing a face mask – what's the point of that?

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Re: Still a great little forum

Postby seahermit » Sun Oct 08, 2023 7:24 pm

Yes, I have spotted one or two wearing masks going around Hastings. I think some people get
stuck in a tramline and find it a challenge to think differently!

No direct connection between Covid and the forum of course, but I just wonder if people's attitudes have changed a bit, if they have become more insular? Certainly physically there seems to be much less socialising in town in the evenings. Some of the bars and music venues don't do so well or have gone (e.g. Walker's Cocktail Bar), even the pubs are often half-full on a Saturday night. Robertson Street used to be packed with the kids trying to get into the nightclubs, that scene has gone too.

Maybe we are all just fed up - especially with politicians and bureaucrats!

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Re: Still a great little forum

Postby GreenWiz » Mon Dec 09, 2024 11:46 am

In the spirit of posts below and whilst it seems the last from over a year ago in this thread, posting here if only to keep that pot boiling! Monday 9th December 2024.
This forum an absolute treasure trove of information that useful, interesting and often both! :-)

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Re: Still a great little forum

Postby seahermit » Sun Jan 26, 2025 1:45 pm

Hello GreenWiz, terrific name....

Yes, still a great and very useful forum.

You have actually done me and the forum a good service! I am having to search for a new flat - not so easy of course in present times, but it means that I am clearing out books furniture etc. Your post jogged my memory and decided me to list some items on the forum. Just the chance that the right person might spot something he's interested in ..

Hastings has gone down in some ways e.g. economically but has retained its bohemian character and is still a very interesting place to live. And the landscape outside the town is lovely.


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