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Don't like going to the Doc's?

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2018 9:31 pm
by Richard
Men don't like visiting the GP.
No wonder! I went on Friday after booking an appointment, well in advance, two weeks previously. I expected to see my GP at the appointed time but was received instead by a trainee doctor who asked me if that was ok.
I said yes and explained my issues and he went off to report to my GP who was busy elsewhere. Understandably the work load is high, urgent cases arise and they try to do their best, plus junior doctors have to be trained somehow.
After waiting half an hour my GP eventually entered the room and we then discussed my primary concern and the fact that I had an ultrasound scan at Eastbourne two weeks ago but for some reason it did not show up on the computer system, despite being told by the Eastbourne clinic that it would be sent within 3 working days to the Hastings surgery.
I next mentioned a second issue but this was not received well at all and I was told off in no uncertain terms for changing the subject without due notice, despite the fact that I had already told the trainee doctor of the same two concerns and assumed he had related them both to my GP.
Passing on from that hurdle I was told off again for not taking some medication as prescribed, despite reporting allergic reaction to the drug previously. I was informed that I could become seriously ill if I did not follow the dosage indicated and yet no information or directions were given to follow, regarding what period of time to continue taking it.
Medical records were lost for all relevant investigations carried out on two occasions in the past by Conquest hospital and my GP repeatedly asked me for dates of the events which I struggled to remember.
The lesson I have learned is that there is not enough thought given in regard to medication and its effectiveness, suitability or period of time to be taken.
Medical records are not transmitted efficiently and may be lost in the system, this is not acceptable and may result in further delays and errors.
In short I feel I was treated rudely, bullied into taking medication which I felt was excessive or potentially harmful and when asked if there was anything else I wanted to mention I replied that I thought had enough of the whole experience.
The same surgery has had a rapid turnover of medical staff recently and been put into 'special measures' on at least one occasion in the past and yet struggles to provide a good service to patients, in my opinion.
Another GP at the same surgery had previously told me that I should use 'mindfulness' to control my lifestyle and that I was eating the wrong food which was the likely cause of my problem. That they (the surgery) couldn't just keep giving me tablets and that I should sort it out myself.
Something still wrong with that Surgery perhaps and I should try again elsewhere, or tackle the Practice manager and waste more time complaining and getting nowhere.